The 10 Most Insane Videos of People Showing Off Their Shooting Skills

Thinking of touching up your shooting skills before fall? Watch this.

I compiled a list of 10 insane shooting videos from as many different shooting sports as I could find.  These range from the fastest shooters of all time to 7-year-olds shooting AR-15's. You even get to see the guy who broke the world record shooting with his feet. Catching an arrow and relaunching it in mid air? I added that too. These video's take "shooting skills" to a whole new level.

If this doesn't make you want to polish up on your skills before fall, then I don't know what will!

1. Classic shotgun tricks everyone loves to see

2. Jerry Miculek shows you how to shoot FAST

3. 7-Year-old shoots an AR-15 and looks better than most adults

4. Basketball with a bow

5. Watch this 13-year-old show you how it's done!

6. Combat shooting at a whole new level.

7. No Arms? No Problem. Watch Matt Stutzman break the archery world record using his feet.

8. Lars can catch arrows and relaunch them in one motion. Not. Even. Kidding.

9. Incredibly Inspiring.

10.  The Gould Brother tricks we all dream we could do

Now get out there and start practicing.

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