"Freaky fishing" could mean a lot of things.
Maybe fishing was so good, it was freaky. Or, it was freaky because so many things went wrong.
But, since it's almost Halloween, we're talking about freaky fishing costumes. What follows could or could not be disturbing to some viewers.
1. That's Gonna Leave a Mark
If you've ever got snagged on a hook (and we all have), this costume is creepy and painful.
2. Clowns
Yep, some freaks fish in clown masks.
3. Um, That's Not Bait
Using your baby as fishing bait. No, nothing freaky about that!
4. This Trio
None of these costumes are particularly freaky, but just imagine seeing these guys on the water.
5. Dogfish
It's a dog. It's a fish. It's a dogfish! Or a fish eating a dog? We're confused.
6. Shorty
This one's just weird. Just imagine how tired your arms would get!
7. Holy @#$!
What the hell is that?! Kill it with fire!
8. The Scariest Fishing Sight of All
The empty cooler! Okay, it's not a costume, but's the freakiest image we've seen this Halloween season.