rabid deer

New York Man Attacked by Rabid 10-Point Buck While Taking Out the Trash

You have hear this crazy story about a rabid 10-pointer!

Deer attack stories are fairly rare. Even rarer is a story about a rabid deer attack. Yet, that's just what happened Tuesday evening in Troy, New York.

Tony Remillard was only trying to take out the garbage when he sensed he wasn't alone. He turned around to find a 10-point buck standing right behind him.

While it's strange to see a big buck in the city, what happened next was even crazier. Hear Tony tell the story in the news video below.

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"When (my roommate) found out I was attacked by a deer, he was just like, 'He was attacked by what?'" Remillard told News Channel 13 Albany.

It sounds as if Remillard's injuries would have been much worse if he wasn't throwing out couch cushions at the time.

Shortly after the attack, the buck ran off before dying. The Rensselaer County Health Department later confirmed the bizarre news that the deer was indeed rabid. Remillard is now undergoing treatment.

As strange as it sounds, a rabid deer attack is not entirely unheard of. In July of 2015, a woman was attacked by a deer with rabies outside a Pennsylvania strip mall.

Strangely enough, this is the second rabid deer story in a week's time. The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission confirmed a rabid deer was found in Cherokee County last week. Let's hope this isn't a new trend!

