Tim Kjellesvik and his friends were doing a little trout fishing when they encountered a couple of Canada Geese.
Since Tim had his bow with him, the fishing trip quickly turned into a goose hunt.
As we've previously discussed at length, Tim of The Thinking Woodsman really enjoys bowhunting. Though he's had a great deal of success hunting deer with his bow, he also partakes in bowfishing for carp and shooting random things in his backyard in the offseason. Now he can also add bowhunting Canada Geese to that list.
He was fishing with a couple of friends on Lake Taneycomo near Branson, Missouri, when they noticed a couple of geese. It was the last day of goose season, so Tim decided to see if he could turn their fishing trip into a goose hunt. Watch the video to see how it all went down.
Nice work, Tim! That was one heck of a shot.
While Tim's archery goose hunt was legal in Missouri, make sure it's legal in your state before you try doing something like this yourself.
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