Here are 10 first dates for a hunting couple that has decided to make it official.
Believe it or not, there are single men and women out there looking for not only places and animals to hunt, but for partners to do it with. Maybe they are searching for something more than just a hunting partner, and that's where we come in.
For those of you who have a guy or a gal in mind whose company that you really enjoy, we have a few ideas that would be worth trying in an attempt to break the ice.
Now, don't jump the gun and start planning a hunting themed camo wedding. They say that if you want to meet someone special, try to find a person that has similar interests. For us, things like deer hunting or turkey hunting fit the bill.
And if they're a hunting dog owner, that's even better.
These are some fun and unique ideas that might be of use to anyone interested in the outdoors. You may have had enough of hunting with old Uncle Cooter, and might like to take it to the next level with someone special. If your idea of dressing up for a date involves Realtree or Mossy Oak, you may just be ready for an outdoor date worthy of a hunter or huntress!
We'll start with an obvious choice and work our way up from there.
Wild Game Dinner

Craig Raleigh
With so many good recipes to choose from, it seems rather obvious that a simple sit down dinner, with some discussion based on how the dinner was harvested, can be a realistic way for two hunting enthusiasts to become acquainted, and learn how they became a hunter and wild game fan.
This can easily lead to talks about families, hometowns, and favorite game animals. It's a bonus if you have multiple choices of wild game to serve, but to be honest, that last package of venison never tasted so good as it did with special company.
Want to make it an outdoor picnic? Then taking it on the road with you via the LunchEAZE is the way to go.
Wine or beer doesn't matter, but remember: not everyone drinks alcohol.
An Evening of Spotlighting Deer
Everyone likes a mystery trip down an old country road in the dark. You could take turns sitting in the back of the pickup with the spotlight, and try to see who can spot more deer, or distinguish more most antler points.
Since the hunt is only with a spotlight, you can count any critter your light catches as a win. It doesn't have to just be deer; look for coyotes, raccoons, or other nocturnal animals.
This may be better as a first date between folks who already knew each other fairly well, since the idea of being alone, at night, in the dark with someone you aren't comfortable with might be risky.
Autumn Scouting Walk
You may already be hunting an area, but since the early fall still is replete with so much green leafy cover, you may be waiting for the right moment to do it. In this case, once the leaves begin to turn, and especially if you're still needing to check up on your deer, a scenic walk like this to show off your area won't hurt.
You'd normally do this alone, but if you have some like-minded company to share it with, you'll get to spend some quiet, quality time together.
The best part about this is that different eyes see different things, and your date may have some great advice to share that you may not have thought of. A fresh perspective never hurts.
Tandem Hunt
The couple that grunts together hunts together, right? Here's an obvious choice to even the odds since both sexes can be just as good with game calls as the other.
Maybe it's spring and the Toms are transfixed by the hens, or maybe you know of a lake or swampy region that fills with mallards and you want to see who can get more of their attention.
Even better would be a partnered hunt with one person trying to get game in close for the other. Since you want to impress someone on a first date, what better way to do it?
Who knows, you may find that one of you is great with a call, and that can be a quite beneficial partnership as well.
Cabela's Hunting Gear Section Treasure Hunt
Maybe this seems a little odd, but hear me out. The point is to try and pick what your partner should be wearing in their treestand or ground blind. If you have their best interest at heart and want them to be successful, they should be able to open their mind and listen to what you have to say.
This can easily lead into the fishing section, shooting section, boating, and eventually dinner and a movie.
Trail Camera Hide & Seek
Even though you're on a date and starting out together, nothing is as exciting as the chase. You need multiple trail cams, a card reader, and an area you're familiar with. Start by divvying several cameras and split up, setting them in obvious situational scouting locations.
Now it's up to each person to find them and let the camera do its stuff. Each person uses their reader to view what's on the camera and see who got there first. Here's a good chance to leave some silly pics or take a pen and paper and leave a written sign. Get creative!
Shed Hunt/Scavenger Hunt
Here's another good way to start things off. Shed hunting is a tradition that we know and love, and it's great for all ages and experience levels alike, so why not try it with that someone special?
We all know that a walk in the woods (especially the deer woods) is good for your heart and soul, then it's as good a time as any to invite someone to share it with.
There are dozens of good outdoor scavenger hunt ideas out there, so finding one should be easy. Along with looking for what you both really want (like love with an outdoors-person), you can stay busy by checking items off of your scavenger hunt list.
Trip to the Shooting Range
Hunting and guns (or bows) go hand in hand, so why not bring your date to the range?
You don't have to use your hunting weapons, and instead could use it as an opportunity to brush up on handgun skills. Maybe there are a few pointers you can exchange, or maybe you can make a game out of it.
The loser at a target shooting challenge has to buy dinner for your next date. Sounds fun, doesn't it?
Take a Waterfowl ID Course Together
Many regions offer these simple but basic instructional courses that give prospective hunters a first screening of their waterfowl identification abilities, or a refresher course for those veteran hunters that have been there before.
Since many of us could use a revival of our ID skills (can you still discern a widgeon from a gadwall?), it stands to reason that a fun and instructional evening might even lead to a hunt or at least a ride to the nearest wildlife refuge to show off your new skills.
Dinner at Your Favorite Organization Event
Between Ducks Unlimited, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Pheasants Forever, or the National Wild Turkey Federation, you can find a plethora of events that include many like-minded people who hunt, fish, and care for the outdoors like we do.
As a pair you may simply indulge in dinner or become members of a higher order, should you decide that joining one of these groups makes a lot of sense for the both of you.
It's an easy thing to be a part of since these venerable organizations are always looking for new members to add to their ranks. Since you're looking for a connection with that special person, you just may find it in a group setting.
Honorable mention goes to fall hay rides and other festivals, not to mention, say, a fishing charter during the warmer months to break the ice as well. One friend of mine even suggested a camo face painting competition to see who has the best skills. Now that would be interesting!
Once the hunt is over and the great gift of a lasting relationship has happened, you may find yourself adorned with an engagement ring and plans for a hunting wedding. Valentine's Day might never be the same again, but hunting season will never be lonely again either.
What's your idea of a great hunting date?
Looking for a little more or even hot lunch for your hunting blind? Follow my webpage, or on Facebook and Twitter.