Shutterstock / John D Sirlin

13 People Rescued On Arizona Trail After Temps Hit Triple Digits

A Scottsdale family reunion turned troublesome when high temperatures forced the rescue of 13 individuals off a hiking trail.

On Friday, 13 family members went for a morning hike on the Gateway Loop Trail. According to the NY Post, the group hit the trail around 7:30 AM, in an effort to beat the heat. Unfortunately, as the morning sun rose, temperatures reached 108 degrees and forced the group to call for rescue services. According to the Scottsdale Fire Department, of the 13 rescued, 3 children were hospitalized.

Scottsdale Fire Capt. Dave Folio reported the group had gotten lost and then run out of water. The group was finally rescued off the trail, in a wash under a tree, presumably to escape the heat as best they could. They had made it several miles up the trail before misfortune struck.

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Arizona Family Reunion Turns Dangerous As Group Rescued From Hiking Trail

Luckily, the 13 person rescue went smoothly. The Scottsdale Fire Department reported that more than 65 firefighters had been dispatched for the mountain rescue. Upon their arrival, the 3 children were identified as most in need of immediate medical assistance. A 10-year-old was treated on-site and then taken to a local hospital for evaluation. He was reported to be in "great condition" by Friday evening, according to Captain Folio.

Perhaps most alarmingly, two toddlers - both 1 year old - were also taken to a local hospital and treated for "heat exhaustion symptoms," according to the Scottsdale Fire Department.

As of Friday evening, it was reported that the entire group was expected to survive, according to KNXV.

While it certainly made for a frightening morning, the incident really played out about as well as anyone could have hoped. The rescue also serves as a great reminder to visitors to the Scottsdale area of the potential danger in midsummer hikes. The Scottsdale-Phoenix Metro is beloved for the ample hiking opportunities presented within a short drive of the cities. But for visitors, who are unfamiliar with how hot the area can get in the summer, extreme caution should be practiced ahead of any outdoor activity.