14 Adorable Kittens Who Might Just Save the World

We're confident these fourteen cute kittens could make world peace any day of the week.

You can't help but love kittens. With those little round heads and tiny paws, their unbalanced tumbling and adorable sleeping positions, you can't help but agree that kittens are adorable.

In the perfect cure for those mid-week blues, that means we absolutely had to share these fourteen kittens. because the cuteness here is unbelievable!

1. Sleepy pair wondering why you woke them up. 


2. The kitten who lives in perpetual state of nap time. 


3. The face that can stop a war. 


4. Kitten that doesn't know what happened with the toilet paper roll, yet wants you not to be mad anymore.  


5. This teenage kitten that wants his friend to know that he's not bad luck. 


6. This kitten that's always ready to play.


7. The one that is all played out.


8. Tiny Kitten = Little Lion


9. The kitten that doesn't like whatever you just gave her. 


10. A tiny cat that just doesn't know what's up or down yet. 


11. Sweet kitten that doesn't buy what you are selling quite yet. 


12. Squished kitten that wishes mom would just give him some space. 


13. This kitten whose blue eyes grew faster than the rest of him.


14. These kittens that can bring down a dog with power in numbers. 


These adorable kittens are too cute for words. These little guys and gals can be a handful for first time pet parents.

If you've ever adopted or rescued a kitten, then you know first-hand how cute their antics can be. And the best part is, there are tons more cute kitten pictures out there - they just can't help being adorable.

If you're thinking about adding a kitten to your home, remember that kittens need extra attention. You'll also want to kitten-proof your home so that your kitten can't get a hold of anything dangerous. Remember you'll also need to integrate your cute cats with these little kitty munchkins! Perhaps you brought home the cutest kittens over Christmas and now things are getting real! Make sure your new home dynamic turns into a success story. If you're ready for the time demands of having a kitten, then bringing home a new kitten can be hugely rewarding and entertaining.

And after looking at these 14 "cutest kitten" images, you are likely now addicted to baby animal images on Instagram! My favorite? Our staff literally cannot decide on just one cute kitty image as we love them ALL. Your fave may be the tiny orange kitty or the chubby kitty! They're all adorable!

We'd love to see your cute kittens! Share and tag @WideOpenPets when you post for a chance to be featured!

This article was originally published January 13, 2019.

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