
42 Wild Burros Killed in Mojave Desert, Reward Increased to $58,500


The reward for the killer increased to $58,500. According to Enviro News California, the reward stands at $58,500 — a sum the coalition hopes will motivate persons with knowledge and a conscience to come forward and spill the beans. The groups committed to the reward kitty so far include:

  1. The Platero Project: $32,500
  2. The Humane Society of the United States: $2,500
  3. Lifesavers Wild Horse Rescue: $2,500
  4. Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue: $2,500
  5. Bureau of Land Management: $10,000
  6. American Wild Horse Campaign: $2,500
  7. Return To Freedom: $5,000
  8. The Cloud Foundation: $1,000

The original post was published on September 4, 2019.

This is a story we've been seeing pop up in our social feeds all week. Who is killing wild burros?

The burros are being shot to death in the Mojave desert and 42 have been killed since May according to a story in The Washington Post. 

The story says this is the largest massacre of its kind on public land managed by the BLM in California. The donkeys are not only protected but loved!

"One group was slaughtered as they drank from a watering hole, and the killing was apparently indiscriminate. Both adults and foals were felled. Anyone found guilty of capturing, harassing or killing one could face up to a year of jail time. Anyone found guilty on 42 counts of killing them could face 42 years."

We love the reward that's being given and multiple organizations came together to make it happen. They'll take any information about the killer or killers and just want them put away. Donkeys are a symbol of the Southwest.

Pet Rescue Report (our fave place for most rescue or animal-related news) reported how the $50,000 happened.

"An anonymous donor has pledged $30,000 to fund the reward for information that leads to the person(s) who shot the burros along Interstate 15.  The Humane Society stated a donor from its burro protection initiative, the Platero Project, put up the money making the total reward $50,000. The Humane Society donated $2,500, the Bureau of Land Management offered another $10,000, along with the American Wild Horse Campaign, Return to Freedom and the Cloud Foundation organizations."

Do you have a possible tip? Please contact the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department. Shooting donkeys is illegal. Thank goodness this is the case and I'm so grateful to learn about all the organizations coming together to ensure justice is met. 

Will you soon be the proud owner or a wild horse or burro? Share your thoughts below.

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