Winter camping is starting to come into its own, especially since the manufacturers we know and trust have seen the light and have begun to provide the camping community gear that'll keep us safe and warm during the cold weather. Even with that in mind, winter camping can be a little intimidating for those new to the experience. However, don't let that dissuade you in any way because many of these states have open winter campgrounds with plenty of amenities to keep you comfortable.
Camping during the colder months is an adventure, to be sure, but one that can be truly enjoyable so long as you do your homework (much of which we've done for you right here). These areas not only provide winter camping facilities, but also a variety of fun cold-weather activities for the whole family.
Whether you're considering tent camping or you're fortunate enough to own an RV, you can find areas in these states that can and will accommodate your desire for some winter camping. You may find that some of these locations will require you to walk in for your tent camping experience since not all parks are completely plowed, but if you're all about beating the crowds, you won't be disappointed.
New York

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The Empire State is replete with winter camping opportunities, as the state is ironically far more rural than urban. Some of the most beautiful state parks New York has to offer, such as Allegany State Park, Letchworth State Park, and Wellesley Island State Park along the St. Lawrence River, are also open to winter campers.
Glimmerglass State Park located in Cooperstown is open year-round and offers hiking trails that can be used for snowshoeing, and it even offers a nearby tubing area, too. There are also numerous snowmobiling trails in the region, and if that isn't enough, you can take a break from the winter weather and visit the National Baseball Hall of Fame.
Or, you can go cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, or take a break and go ice fishing anywhere within Wellesley Island. Regardless, options are endless.

Getty: Douglas Rissing
Maine is already a bucket list state for many outdoorsmen and women just waiting to take advantage of all the recreational opportunities in the Northeast. However, off-season camping here is some of the best in the nation, but as the Maine Department of Conservation, Agriculture, and Forestry says, remote campsites are almost exclusively first-come, first-serve, meaning reservations typically aren't an option.
For public lands with winter camping sites, self-sufficiency is a must since many areas are not plowed or have their amenities closed for the season. Maine's state parks that offer open winter campgrounds include Aroostook State Park, Cobscook Bay State Park, Lake St. George State Park, and Lily Bay State Park, just to name a few.
New Hampshire

Getty: DenisTangneyJr
Winter primitive camping is available in New Hampshire in several state parks along with a few private campgrounds. New Hampshire is known for its welcoming attitude toward camping, especially for those out-of-state campers that have been wanting to take advantage of the Granite State's facilities.
State parks offering up winter campsites include Crawford Notch State Park, Franconia Notch State Park, and Monadnock State Park. Private camping areas include the Barnes Field Campground, which lies in the northeast corner of the White Mountain National Forest and the Apple Hill campground, which is located on the western side of the White Mountain National Forest near Bethlehem.

Getty: GCShutter
Luckily for winter camping enthusiasts, Vermont State Parks never close making it one of the best states in the northeast for winter recreation. Let's be honest with ourselves: winter camping isn't just for the brave-hearted folks who want to pitch a tent and do some primitive camping for the weekend, but it is also for the RV crowd, and Vermont has a ton to offer for both.
According to Vermont States Parks, off-season camping is available at no cost from Nov. 1 through April 1, and you have to apply for a permit at least three days prior to your stay. There are simply too many available parks to list, but many of these camping sites aren't reachable by vehicles, meaning they're limited to hike-in only access. So, naturally, be sure to do your research before you plan your next trip.

Getty: Luke Pifer
From the Pocono Mountains to the state's Amish country, Pennsylvania has some beautiful year-round vistas and camping opportunities. Locations like the gorgeous French Creek State Park has the largest block of adjoining forest between Washington, D.C., and New York City, which offers enough land to make any serious or weekend camper take notice.
Between the state parks that remain open and the private campgrounds that understand camping doesn't end because of the winter, Pennsylvania offers some great options for winter weather enthusiasts. Parks such as Promised Land State Park, Bald Eagle State Forest, Raccoon Creek State Park, and French Creek State Park are just waiting for your reservation, while a plethora of private campgrounds are open all year for campers who don't let their gear get dusty.
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