If you're a bass fisherman, these might seem a little too familiar...
For some of us, it all started out when we first tried casting into the family swimming pool. After that, we had to try and reel in our brother or some other fishing buddy to make it real.
Once we were hooked, we couldn't get enough of trying to catch some of the real thing, and when we found out what a willing competitor the Micropterus salmoides was, it was all over but the photo-op.
Years later, we find ourselves up to our chins in lures, rods, reels, and other gear, wondering if somehow we may have lost our way. Do we still love it? Have we lost our touch? Are we really those crazed bass-hounds that we used to be?!
Not to worry, you bass-angling wannabes! Enclosed herein is every sort of situation, confession, and overall bass antic that made us what we thought we were.
Step right up and see if any of these apply to you or your favorite bass buddy. Then, take the time to genuflect before the Micropterus Gods. We'll tally up your score at the end.
Give yourself a point if you've ever...
1. Had one demolish a frog bait right next to the boat.
Watch Here.
2. Caught two on the same lure.
Watch Here.
3. Caught more than two on the same lure.
Watch Here.
4. Deliberately thrown into a tree or onto the shore.
5. Gone into overdraft making a Bass Pro order.
6. Had more than 50 spinnerbaits.
Like these.
7. Caught 100 in one day (you swear, really).
8. Fished in a sewer.
Watch Here.
9. Fished in a golf course pond.
Watch Here.
10. Fished under water.
Watch Here.
11. Fished a Budweiser crank bait.
12. Found a bird, a frog, or some other belched up critter in your live well.
13. Caught a bass that was eating another bass.
14. Caught a 10-pounder, and it's not your biggest.
15. Used a swimmbait as big as your tackle box.
Watch Here.
16. Enjoyed it doubly with your significant other.
Watch Here.
17. Taken a shotgun with you.
Watch Here.
18. Caught one out of a duck blind.
Watch Here.
19. Flyfished from a kayak.
Watch Here.
20. Used a baby duck lure.
Watch Here.
21. Seriously thought about casting into the tank at Bass Pro.
22. Cussed up a storm, good or bad.
Watch Here.
23. Fished in gator-infested waters, because bass.
Watch Here.
24. Used Copenhagen dip for bait.
Watch Here.
25. Owned a Big Mouth Billy Bass.
Watch Here.
26. Used a buzz bait in two-foot rollers because they were hitting it yesterday.
27. Used Google maps to find a bass pond.
Watch Here.
28. Caught a snapping turtle.
Watch Here.
29. Fished from midnight to 6:00 a.m.
Watch Here.
30. Traveled 50 miles or more to see a weigh-in.
Watch Here.
31. Own an overly detailed boat.
Watch Here.
32. Lost your casting rig (but you have 10 more).
33. Known legendary bass pros by their full names.
34. Taken the subway with a spinning rig.
35. Enjoyed watching a kid catch one more!
Watch Here.
36. Had a place on your college bass fishing team.
Watch Here.
37. Seen one eat an alligator.
Watch Here.
38. Seen one jump through a hoop.
Watch Here.
39. Had to pull off three pounds of slop to get your fish.
Watch Here.
40. Fished in Central Park.
Watch Here.
41. Fished out of an Ultraskiff.
Watch Here.
42. Rooted for the old-timers.
Watch Here.
43. Had the patience of a saint.
Watch Here.
44. Fished from a paddle board.

Craig Raleigh
45. Jumped in to land one.
Watch Here.
46. Practiced indoors.
Watch Here.
47. Caught one that's been caught before.
Watch Here.
48. Failed at bass fishing for all to see.
Watch Here.
49. Broke your rod setting the hook.
Watch Here.
50. Made a commercial about bass fishing.
Watch Here.
51. Caught a slob from a float tube.
Watch Here.
52. Had your bass eaten by a muskie.
Watch Here.
53. Took a break from casting to chip some balls from the deck (and make us all laugh really hard).
Watch Here.
54. Caught a bonus muskie.
Watch Here.
55. Been to the Bass Fishing Hall of Fame.
Watch Here.
Now that you've looked into the bass fishing mirror, let's give you a grade:
0-10: do you even know what a jig is?
11-20: you need more spinnerbaits.
21-30: you're almost in the bass boat.
31-40: you know that the "T" on Bill Dance's hat is for Tenn-uh-see!
41-50: you're a lunker legend.
51-55: you're a big fibber... wait, you're a bass fisherman, so it's ok!