chef's choice trizor xv sharpener edgeselect model 15

Knife Sharpening at its Finest: Chef's Choice Trizor XV Sharpener EdgeSelect Model 15

Knife sharpening is serious business, and a keen edge is imperative.

EdgeCraft is at the forefront of the knife sharpening game with their incredible products. I got a chance to review the Chef's Choice Trizor XV Sharpener EdgeSelect Model 15, and this is what I found.

The friendly and helpful folks over at EdgeCraft have a knife sharpener that they were eager for me to review. Rightfully so, as it will sharpen anything from Euro/American edges, serrated edges, traditional Japanese and contemporary Asian blades. It really does it all. With that kind of universal ability, any knife you own, except the really thick-bladed hunting knives (e.g. a Bowie knife) can be quickly and professionally sharpened right at home.

After reading the instruction manual that comes with the Chef's Choice Trizor XV Sharpener EdgeSelect Model 15, I set up for a trial run. Starting out, I used a set of knives from the Outdoor Edge Game Processor Kit, a couple old butcher knives from the kitchen and a really dull Spiderco Endura serrated lock back knife.

Well, my initial test turned into a hour of sharpening any knife I could find in the house or in my hunting and fishing equipment.

The sharpener was very easy to use, put a great edge on all blades and was actually quite enjoyable. The unit did not get too warm and the operation was quiet. In fact, my wife had no idea I was testing it out in the other room. 

The actual use of the Chef's Choice Trizor XV Sharpener EdgeSelect Model 15 is simple. The big secret to how the blades get so sharp is a combination of diamond abrasives and a 15 degree angle Trizor VX edge. The three-step sharpening, honing and stropping process gives you a keen knife edge with very little effort even to old beat-up knives.

This is a direct quote from the Cooks Illustrated Knife Sharpener Test, in which the Chef's Choice Trizor XV Sharpener EdgeSelect Model 15 place number one against the competition:

"With diamond abrasives and a spring loaded chamber that precisely and gently guided the blade, the sharpener "purred" with perfection, consistently producing edges that were sharper than on brand-new knives from edge to tip. "I'm cutting this paper into confetti," said one tester. It was the only sharpener to quickly remove nicks in the blade; in 10 minutes, a severely damaged knife looked and cut like a brand new blade. A big perk: it can convert a 20-degree to a sharper 15-degrees."

I completely agree with this quote above in my testing of this product. It truly will revolutionize the way you sharpen your knives.

Another great secret also to the Chef's Choice Trizor XV Sharpener EdgeSelect Model 15 is the EdgeSelect feature. You can add microflutes to your blade for a better bite into your intended meat, vegetables or fibrous materials. Now that is downright handy indeed.

If you want the best edge that you can get in the quickest amount of time then the Chef's Choice Trizor XV Sharpener EdgeSelect Model 15 certainly is the number one choice that I would pick. Check them out at the Chef's Choice website and learn more about the incredible Chef's Choice Trizor XV Sharpener EdgeSelect Model 15 along with their other top notch products.