
Giant Ohio Whitetail Riddled With EHD Exhibits Strange Behavior

Watch this video of a big buck showing clear symptoms of EHD. 

The Midwest can go through some very dry conditions from year to year. Aside from thirsty crops, one of the direct results of late summer or early fall droughts is the rise of epizootic hemorrhagic disease.

If you aren't familiar with EHD, it's a viral disease most commonly caused by midges, a species of biting flies. In many cases, the virus is fatal for deer and causes unusual behavior.

Along with chronic wasting disease (CWD), EHD is one of the biggest concerns in the deer disease realm.

Take this video for example that was reportedly taken a couple years ago in Hamilton, Ohio, where there was a known EHD outbreak in the deer herd.

This photo is supposedly of the same deer, and we're pretty certain credit should go to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources.

That looks like a VERY sick deer.

The bizarre behavior is a very strong indication of EHD. As a whitetail deer enthusiast, it's sad to see a video like this. Wildlife disease outbreaks in the United States are a serious problem, and we should pay close attention to them.

Be sure to inform local DNR officers if you ever see this kind of deer behavior, especially near water sources. No one wants to come across a dead deer, especially if the death could have been avoided.

Know the differences in common behavior for big game, and be a good steward during hunting season and beyond.