chicken fried

Chicken Fried Mountain Lion Gets a Hearty Thumbs Up

Casey Lavere maintains that if you didn't tell ten people that they were eating mountain lion, nine or ten of them would confidently assume that they were eating pork.

Here is Lavere's easy and simple recipe for cougar schnitzel (or chicken fried mountain lion).

Last year Casey Lavere of the HUSHIN crew bagged a mountain lion while on a Colorado hunt. Lavere skinned the cat for a beautiful rug mount and he and the guys butchered the animal for some really fine eating.

He's got some meat left from the cougar and he pulled a few mountain lion steaks out of the freezer for this video. He's preparing cougar schnitzel, more commonly known as "chicken fried" mountain lion.

This is an exceedingly simple recipe. Basically all you need to do is pound the steaks with a meat tenderizer hammer until they're around a quarter-inch thick. Then you flour them, dip them in an egg wash, and again cover them with either flour or preferably bread crumbs.

Fry the steaks in oil until the they are golden brown and have a crispy exterior. Make sure that you thoroughly cook the lion to avoid any possible trichinosis parasite.

Lavere made a mushroom gravy to go with the schnitzel, which is a pretty tasty idea. He had his son give the steaks a try, and the boy gave it a hearty thumbs up.

Like I said, this is an easy recipe. But the real point of it is that this puts to bed the myth that you can't eat mountain lion. Meat is meat, and mountain lion is some delicious meat. According to those who have eaten it it is virtually indistinguishable from pork.

So don't let anyone tell you that you can't eat cougar. Yes you can, and yes you should, if you're fortunate enough to bag one of the big cats.

Like what you see here? You can read more great articles by David Smith at his facebook page, Stumpjack Outdoors.

NEXT: Bet You've Never Heard a Mountain Lion Chirp Like This