The health benefits of pets are endless but we narrowed them down to the top five! Our pets help boost our moods, decrease high blood pressure, help alleviate allergies, increase our likelihood of losing weight, and decrease our stress!
Can you imagine not having a pet at your side after reading this list? Animals are also helping people that have chronic pain! According to,
"Dog ownership has been reported to be associated with alleviation of social isolation and improved perception of wellbeing, particularly in single persons and the elderly."
1. Pets increase exercise and instill a fitness routine in us.
One way to avoid having heart issues or even something as scary as a heart attack? Adopt a dog! It is impossible to say no to your dog when they wait for you at the door to go outside for a walk! This is just one of the health benefits of owning a pet.
2. Living with pets lowers the risk of heart disease and blood pressure.
How does this sound? Lower cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, and less anxiety? Unconditional love is ALL you need for better heart health. Research and studies show us that increased physical activity help decrease the chances of a heart attack.
3. They help veterans living with PTSD.
Many veterans feel comfort from pet therapy and having a service dog with them can literally save their life. Unfortunately, many veterans suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and pets are trained to help them with everyday activities and social interaction.
4. They help you socialize!
There are so many emotional benefits for folks that happen to be more introverted or have trouble meeting people. Some people benefit from extra social support and having a dog or cat with them can be an ice breaker. So animals often help with a person's emotional health and physical health.
5. They improve moods and help folks with depression.
Pets boost moods!
Pet therapy, is also known as animal-assisted therapy which is recognized by the National Institute of Mental Health as a type of psychotherapy for treating depression. Just a walk or ride to the park with your dog can help raise your spirits and quality time with your best friend can even result in less pain medication. And it's not all about dogs either! Cat owners are also included on this list for all five of these health benefits.
Does your dog boost your mood? Improve a chronic illness? Leave us a comment below if you can relate to any of these!
WATCH NOW: Happiness Is a Warm Puppy