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Man Fends Off Bear With A Shovel After It Tries To Steal His Lunch

You run the risk of encountering local wildlife whenever you are out in the wilderness. However, no matter how much that knowledge settles in you, most people are never fully prepared when encountering said wildlife, especially when that wildlife is a bear. Although it was not an ideal situation, this man thought quickly on his feet and was able to defend himself against his surprise visitor. Watch as this man fends off a bear with a shovel.

Man Fends Off Bear With A Shovel

Derek Sears was enjoying a day at Pope Beach in South Lake Tahoe, California, when he had an unexpected visitor. The New York Post shares that the brown bear initially did not pay any mind to Derek and his friends. Rather, it showed more interest in a cooler full of drinks and snacks nearby.

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Derek tried to get the animal to flee by throwing a plastic chair at it, but the bear was unbothered. Next, an un-armed gentleman decided to take matters into his own hands. He approached the bear with nothing but a shovel. He banged the shovel against the picnic tables, hoping to drive the bear off. However, this bear had other plans.

The bear decided it wanted to have a faceoff with this man. Rather than backing down, this man fended off the bear with this shovel. The New York Post says, "The man quickly bashed the bear's nose with the shovel, sending it scurrying into a nearby wooded area."

Encountering Bears In California

While encountering bears in California is common, even Derek was surprised at how this gentleman handled the encounter. He told the New York Post, 'I was very surprised when the man hit the bear on the head with the shovel." He continued, "Living in Northern California, encountering bears is a normal thing. So I just stepped out of its way."

The California State Parks offers the following tips regarding what to do if you encounter a bear.

  • Make yourself appear large and make a loud noise.
  • Throw rocks or sticks, but DO NOT RUN.
  • If the bear attacks, fight back aggressively.
  • Call 911 to report aggressive bears as soon as possible

They also recommend the following to prevent bear encounters in the first place.

  • Do not approach bears.
  • Keep food locked inside of vehicles or in bearproof containers.
  • Remove all trash from the area.
  • Minimize any odor products.