Motorcyclists Get Surrounded By Herd Of Bison At Yellowstone In Terrifying Moment
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Motorcyclists Get Surrounded By Herd Of Bison At Yellowstone In Terrifying Moment

What's worse than being caught between a rock and a hard place? How about in the middle of a herd of bison? A couple of bikers found themselves surrounded by a herd of bison while traveling on a road in Yellowstone National Park.

What's so terrifying about the video below is how easy it is for things to go wrong. Although buffalo may look less scary than a bear, they can be just as dangerous. And that's just one angry buffalo. Imagine an entire herd of them. You would be recreating that traumatic scene from The Lion King with a bit more Hells Angels.

What's worse is that the motorcyclists didn't have any protection from the bison. If the animals wanted, they could have easily trampled over and seriously injured the motorcyclists. I'm not quite sure how they ended up in this situation. Perhaps, the animals just wandered out of the woods before they realized it.

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By the time of the video, there's bison behind and in front of the motorcyclists. They're completely surrounded, and they have to keep pace with the herd. Cue a couple of bikes moving alongside the animals. With the loud noise of the bikes, it's a recipe for disaster. One biker gets a bit too close for comfort at one point in the video.

Bison Herd

Fortunately, they ultimately all managed to escape from the herd.  The bison parted ways, and the bikers revved their engines taking off down the Yellowstone road.

Of course, the video drew plenty of reactions online. One person wrote, "You, bikers do this every year. Buffalo don't care about you. It's their land." Indeed, buffalo are one of the supreme beings of the land out west.

Another person commented on the close call. They wrote, "That guy up front is just lookin for trouble. Not the smartest thing to do here." Another wrote, "Oh my gosh! ? I would be so terrified! Too close for my comfort. Wild animals can turn against you at anytime especially if there are young ones. Glad y'all made through, safe!"

Fortunately, it's a happy ending this time.