Teen, Who Grew Up Traveling In RV, Explains Why It's The Worst
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Teen, Who Grew Up Traveling In RV, Explains Why It's The Worst!!

Apparently traveling across the country in an RV is not all it is cracked up to be. That's especially true if you're young and didn't have a say in your travels. Remember all those times as a kid, when your parents dragged you somewhere you didn't want to go? Well, this is that but taken to the extreme.

Especially when you're young stability and familiarity can be creature comforts. One teen took to Reddit to complain about the RV life. She expressed sadness that she didn't get a say in traveling.

She explained, "My parents decided when I was only around seven years old, far too young to get an opinion on anything to pack us up. And move into an RV to travel around the U.S. My dad works online and my mom makes content online. She's not huge by any means. But big enough that we get recognized sometimes and big enough that I've had a camera shoved in my face for as long as I can remember. For my privacy's sake, I won't say anything else on that and I'm using a throwaway account because I've gotten enough attention already. And I'm sick of it."

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Teen Tired Of RV Lifestyle

The teen complained about her cramped accommodations living in an RV. She said she outgrew her bed years ago and doesn't have any room for herself.

She continued, "I sleep in a tiny bunk bed that I outgrew years ago and the other bunk is the only space I have to put anything I own. I don't even have a room just a curtain. And thank god I'm an only child or else I would have to share the small space I have already. I was homeschooled for most of my education. And then switched to online school at my own insistence for high school. I'm an 18-year-old girl, I don't have a single friend in person. Because the longest I've ever stayed anywhere is a month. I don't have a job and no way to get one. Because of not being stationary unless I find one online which also means I have no way to move out and get away from them."

She said she tried to convince her parents to abandon the RV lifestyle but to no avail.

She said, "I've had conversations with them about all of this countless times. And they are so delusional and genuinely believe that 'a nomadic existence is the best way to live.' So why would I never need anything else. I hate them for treating me like some pet they can just drag along in their plans. Rather than their child. I hate traveling, I don't like heat, I hate dealing with bugs. And I'm so sick of hiking. I can't wait for the day that I finally figure out a way to get away from them with their morning hikes and cameras in my face. I've traveled around the us yeah but god forbid I want to have a normal life, go the college or maybe even makes some friends? That's asking to much."