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Spread Coffee Throughout Your Yard To Keep Common Pest At Bay

Insects plague our summer months, bringing with them all sorts of itching, biting, and swelling. One of the most common and deadly pests that we encounter is mosquitoes. While many tactics exist at repelling these pesky insects, several of them use harsh chemicals or unpleasant odors. However, there is also a natural mosquito repellent that most of you probably have in your house right now. Learn how spreading coffee in your yard can help save you from mosquito bites this year.

Spreading Coffee In Your Yard Deters Mosquitoes?

Controlling Ticks

Getty Images: Oksana Osypenko

Healthline shares an exciting purpose for your coffee grounds and tea waste. That's right, after you finish your morning cup of Joe or tea be sure to save the leftovers. They share that while "spreading coffee grounds and tea waste throughout your yard won't keep you from being bitten...studies have shown that they limit the reproduction of mosquitoes."

Limiting the reproduction of mosquitoes is always a good thing. Less mosquitoes means less chance of you getting bitten by one of those pesky pests. Gardening Know How elaborates on the use of coffee in your yard and how it can help tame your mosquito problems. They argue that "while coffee mosquito repellent is not as simple as sprinkling coffee grounds throughout your yard, studies have found that water containing coffee or used grounds deterred adult mosquitoes from laying eggs in those locations."

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Natural Mosquito Repellent

Although the coffee in your yard may not deter adult mosquitoes from biting you, it does repel them in some ways. First and foremost, as the study suggests, adult mosquitoes will not want to lay their eggs in your yard if you spread coffee in it. In turn, that decreases the amount of larvae and future mosquitoes that will be present in your yard.

Additionally, Mr. Mister Mosquito Control shares that "coffee grounds have such a pungent and intense smell, mosquitoes do not like to come near it." They continue to share that "mosquitoes are repulsed by all types of coffee, whether it is fresh, used, or burnt." Also, they share that the most effective way to use the coffee in your yard is by "burning them, as it creates a stronger aroma."

From there, the mosquito repelling company shares how to create this natural mosquito repellent. First, you need to gather your coffee grounds. Next, you burn them. To do this "use them as your normally would for brewing coffee...or toss them in a dry skillet or pan to toast the grounds to bring out the fragrance." From there you can sprinkle it across your yard.

To enhance the effectiveness of your natural mosquito repellent you can add things to your mixture. Instead of just sprinkling coffee grounds, add water and other smells that mosquitoes hate. For example, you can add some of mosquitoes least favorite scents into the mixture. Mosquitoes hate the smell of "citrus, mint, lavender, pine, and chilis." If you add these scents to your coffee mixture and spread it around your yard you should be limiting the larvae and the adult mosquitoes from coming near you.