teen girl beaten unconscious at beach
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Teen Lured To Beach And Beaten Unconscious By Mob In Terrifying Encounter

A horrifying scene unfolded the other day at Boyce-Gyro Beach Park in Kelowna, British Columbia. A teen girl was lured to a beach and then beaten unconscious by a mob of fellow youths. Luckily this Canadian teen survived the attack, but not without injury. The girl's family shares their thoughts on the terrifying encounter.

Teen Girl Lured To Beach Only To Be Beaten Unconscious

As a 13-year-old teenager, when a friend invites you to hangout on the beach it sounds like an exciting evening. Or at least it did at first to this Canadian teen. However, almost immediately after arriving to the scene, the girl could tell something was amiss.

About 30 teenagers surrounded her, all with their phones out. They were prepared to record the verbal and physical altercation that was about to happen. Once in the middle of the mass, various teens pushed the girl to the ground and physically assaulted her.

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The NY Post shares that the 13-year-old teen was "jumped on and punched in her head and other body parts multiple times before she fell unconscious." The poor girl had tried to call her mother for help, but the group that was bullying her stole her phone from her possession. Now, the young teen was left alone and defenseless against the mass that attacked her.

CBC shares that in addition to the beating "dirt and sand" from the beach were thrown on the girl while she was on the ground as well as many verbal slurs. She suffered a concussion and various abrasions.

Why Did This Happen And What Happens Next?

teen beaten unconscious police car

Pexels: Pixabay

The teen's father spoke out about his daughter being beaten unconscious. He told CTV News,

"I watched two minutes of my daughter getting near beat to death, like 20 or 30 kids who just decided that it was better for them to record it and laugh at her."

After he expressed his dismay at watching the horror unfold, he told news sources that he didn't know why the other teens attacked his daughter. She had just started her first year at high school and he claimed she hadn't known any of the attackers or bystanders for very long.

While he argues that he doesn't feel his daughter, or anyone, deserves to go through what happened he urges people to watch the video. He said, "I hope people do watch it so they can believe it." Without the video footage, it would seem like an unbelievable story. People do not typically lure a teen to a beach and beat them unconscious.

CBC shared that "three youths were arrested and released on strict conditions Tuesday for their part in the attack." All three who were arrested are under the age of 18 and "due to the age of the victim and assailants" it greatly limits the information that can be provided and released at this time.