Shutterstock / Tony Campbell

Major Reason Why You Should Choose Bagging A Doe Over That Buck This Hunting Season

An online thread attempted to answer a question that deer hunters have asked for years - which tastes better, a buck or a doe?

On Reddit, users engage in discourse on just about every topic you could think of. From current events, to fashion, to 80s music and popular Asian cuisine. Years ago, one Reddit thread was struck up that catches plenty of traction each fall. A Redditor asked the forum if buck or doe meat tastes better, after a successful deer hunt.

Interestingly, the thread did come to a bit of consensus in the answer. Most posters agreed that doe meat is superior on quality tob that of a buck. The reasoning made in support of the answer varied from one commenter to another, but many strong arguments were made. One commenter noted that does, being of the female sex, have less testosterone than bucks. As is such, the doe tastes better.

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Another commenter made the point that many bucks are harvested during the rut - which is their breeding season. During such a period of a buck's life, they are very stressed. They sleep and rest very little. They travel long distances and eat very sporadically. Moreover, the bucks in a territory will even fight with another in the days leading up to, and within the rut itself, to determine a hierarchy to be followed in the sexual marketplace. As is such, the animals are full of stress hormones and testosterone at the time, and the quality of their meat takes a hit as a result.

On the contrary, many does are harvested earlier in the year, when they are generally relaxed, and full of a diet of corn or alfalfa or acorns.

Reddit Thread Attempts To Find Answer To Age Old Question - Buck Or Doe?

It should be noted that several commenters made the argument that age and diet were more indicative of the quality of the meat of any deer that is harvested. Perhaps such is the case. Regardless though, the thread felt confident in expressing that doe deer have better quality meat than their male counterparts.