Couple Saves Their Dog From Bobcat Using Just A Household Item And Ideal Tactic
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Couple Saves Their Dog From Bobcat Using Just A Household Item And Ideal Tactic

In a match of bobcat vs Chihuahua, the dog's going to lose every time. But fortunately, this dog had its owners looking out for it. The incident happened in Arizona.

The dog's owners said a bobcat swooped into their backyard and grabbed her pet and tried to take off with him. She said the attack happened when she took her beloved Larry "Fitzy" Fitzgerald to use the bathroom.

"He squeals very loud. I shriek, like, 'No!' " she told KPNX. "Thankfully he let him go and ran up [to the top of the backyard fence]. And then he or she sat for a few minutes afterward and it was just watching us."

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That's when Shannon's husband Kurt came running outside with a broomstick. It was the only thing that he had. But if John Wick can kill a man with a pencil, he can chase the animal away with a broom. Just imagine what he could do with a shovel.

Bobcat Vs Pet Owner

"Didn't really move at first," he said. "Then I got closer and smacked the tree next to it and it took off again."

The dog ended up living but suffered a few bite marks on its neck.

"He was in shock more than anything," said Shannon. "It came so fast, happened so quickly, like he didn't have a chance. Thankfully I was there."

According to the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD), the pet owners are a perfect example of what to do when encountering a bobcat. Make noise, stay outdoors with your pets, and try to chase them away. .

"I see people using those air horns — so loud noises, spraying them with water, that usually can do the trick of they're not going to want to come around," AZGFD's Alexandra Flickinger said.

However, according to Humane Society of the United States, bobcats may not always be scared of humans. It said, "They probably learned to associate people with food (likely because someone has been feeding them) and may exhibit boldness or even approach you. These bobcats can easily be scared away by making loud noises such as yelling or blowing whistles, dousing them with water houses or squirt guns or throwing objects such as tennis balls toward them."