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Texas Game Wardens Catch Out-Of-State Poachers Red Handed

A group of four Louisiana duck hunters got themselves into some serious trouble when Texas Game Wardens caught up with them.

According to Outdoor Life, the duck hunters in question were found with 54 harvested ducks in their possession. The legal limit for the four men would have been 24 for the day. Such means the group were in possession of 30 ducks over their legal limit. Moreover, it was reported that roughly 250 shotgun shells containing lead shot were found with the group. Lead shot is outlawed when duck hunting.

In a Facebook post shared by the Texas Game Wardens account, it was confirmed that the men admitted to knowing that the lead shot they were hunting with was illegal. Three of the men also admitted to knowing they had gone over the legal limit of ducks during their hunt. Their reasoning for continuing to hunt the birds was quite simple. The men said it was more ducks than they had seen all season in Louisiana and Texas alike.

The hunters were found by the wardens along the Brazos River on January 25th. Duck season wraps up on the Brazos after legal shooting hours on January 26th. Apparently, the game wardens had been patrolling the river's icy sloughs when gunfire led them to the four Louisiana duck hunters. The hunters were found hunting a private lake, which may have played a part in their choice to break the law. It is likely that the hunters did not expect the wardens to find them off the public lands and water.

Louisiana Duck Hunters Caught Breaking Several Laws By Texas Game Wardens

The duck hunters certainly seemed to know they had made a mistake after they were caught. Reportedly, one of the hunters had tried to sneak off to hide a stringer of ducks from the wardens. Likewise, the first man, who had been approached by the wardens at a gate to the lake, was frantically trying to send a text after realizing the game wardens had located the group.

Nervousness permeated throughout the group, and for good reason. The hunters made many mistakes on that private lake, and they did not get away with any of it.