Woman, Who Lives On Arctic Circle, Opens Up About Spending Three Months In Total Darkness
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Woman, Who Lives On Arctic Circle, Opens Up About Spending Three Months In Total Darkness

Imagine spending your entire winter in nothing but darkness. That's exactly how one woman, who lives in the Arctic Circle, spends three months of the year.

Speaking with People, Cecilia Blombdahl opened up about spending three months in total darkness. She lives on a small island called Svalbard, located near the Arctic Circle. The Arctic resident has been living on the island for the past decade and has taken to social media to share what living in total darkness is like.

She compares the experience to a long dream. Blombdahl is one of just 2,600 residents who live in the area.  She initially intended to stay in the area for just three months on vacation. But she ended up falling in love with the place, and three months turned into 10 years.