I would say that this fish has a face that only a mother could love, but I'm not 100 percent sure it even has a mother. A fisherman caught one of the strangest fish I've ever seen in my life. And it's safe to say that I'll probably have nightmares for a week.
I mean just take a look at the picture above or the video below. That thing does not look like a fish. It looks more like an alien from Mars or something that the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles would have to fight. Someone call Kurt Russell because the Thing escaped isolation in Alaska and made its way to the ocean.
The strange-looking fish just looks like an alien is all I'm saying. Roman Fedortsov, a Russian trawlerman, said that he accidentally caught the fish while he was trolling the sea. He ended up posting it on Instagram for all the world to see and recoil at. It's safe to say that the bottom of the ocean is a truly mysterious and terrifying place.
Fisherman Catches Strange Looking Fish
He identified the little mutant as a smooth lumpsucker, which is a marine ray-fined fish. Apparently, they can grow to be more than a foot. Here's what he wrote in the caption, "Aptocyclus ventricosus is a species of ray-faced fish in the family Pinagora. Lives in the North Pacific Ocean.What can you say about her in a nutshell..."
He continued, "They called the frog, a kolobok and a stone with eyes. Beautiful. Deep sea. ????...? ???????. Sucking on my stomach. Make noises/crouches. Relatives (pinagora) are more beautiful. Edible"
I think that last one is disturbing more than anything. Who would want to eat that thing? Don't you dare serve it up to me on a dinner plate. But it turns out that the fish doesn't typically look like that. The rapid rise caused pressure changes to its little body. So perhaps it deserves our pity more than anything else.
One person wrote, "Are you chopping aliens heads for views?"
Another commented, "Kill it and burn it and don't ever catch one of those again!!"