I'm not sure what it is about human nature and our desire to touch things we know we probably shouldn't have. A Disney star has garnered backlash after she touched a resting sea turtle while on vacation in Hawaii.
Disney star China Anne McClain was caught on camera touching the amphibian. McClain starred in Disney shows like A.N.T. Farm. She was in Maui on vacation when she approached sleeping turtles. At least six turtles were sleeping on the beach. The Disney star proceeded to touch the creatures.
"Just found this turtle gem @mynameissisi captured on our Hawaii trip," McClain captioned her now-deleted Instagram post. "Found so many other pics from this beautiful, healing place that I might share. Don't be shocked if I pack up & move to Maui one of these days!"
Hawaii Governor Josh Green blasted the Disney star. Wildlife services encourage people to stay at least 10 feet away from turtles. You also should avoid touching them.
"Aloha China, I urge you to educate yourself on Hawaii's laws and the importance of protecting our marine life before visiting our islands," Green wrote in her comment section. "Please delete this video and do better."
Disney Star Garners Backlash
Wildlife viewing guidelines set by NOAA, the US Fish and Wildlife Service and Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) encourage people to be "at least 10 feet away" from sea turtles and "avoid touching" them.
However, McClain claims the video is old and is from a vacation two years ago.
"I was not fully aware of the situation until today, and I certainly wasn't aware of the laws," McClain told DLNR.
"It's the people I don't want to hurt," McClain continued. "I understand respecting culture, and I understand the pain that comes with not having your culture respected. Those are never lines that we cross intentionally, so that part of this situation is hurting us right now. I adore these beautiful turtles and the people of Hawaii. We're very sorry."
She deleted the video. But the Disney star still garnered a lot of hate.
"Give her a fine just like they would any other person," one person commented. "She shouldn't get any special treatment."
"Some people just don't have the common sense to not touch wildlife no matter where on earth they are," another wrote.