Three fishermen got more than they bargained for when a 900-pound dolphin randomly jumped on their 16-foot boat. The three were fishing in New Zealand last Friday.
The trio were fishing near "Hole in the Rock," a spot off New Zealand's North Island. Dean Harrison, Milton Brookland and Austyn Holbrow were surprised by the sudden appearance of the dolphin.
Three friends from New Zealand who went out fishing in their 16-foot boat received an unexpected jolt in the form of a 900-pound dolphin. Harrison expressed his shock in a Facebook post. The three were fishing kingfish. He wrote, "As were slowly approaching the birds, a dolphin done a massive vertical jump right at the front of the boat. In the blink of an eye, there was a massive crash and boom. Then a live 400kg dolphin filling the inside of our small open top boat going absolutely ballistic."
He wrote, 'It was like a tornado with this huge thrashing creature throwing fishing gear and rods and reels every where. While people were scrambling to move out of the way. Everyone was trying to make themselves as small as possible. While we clung to the edges of the boat watching the chaos unfold in front our eyes. "
Surprise Dolphin Encounter
As you can imagine, the fishermen were concerned that the dolphin would sink the boat. They were also concerned about the animal and it dying on the boat.
He explained, "Once the crew and boat was deemed OK. We were stuck with the dilemma of what do we do now. The dolphin was still alive and breathing. So we immediately started covering it in towels and wetting it down with the deck wash. As we tried to figure out the next step."
Fortunately, they managed to make it back to shore to meet with a specialist.