'Save a Swamp, Sauté a Nutria’- Why The Government Wants Us To Eat Rodents 
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The Government Wants Us To Eat Rodents? 'Save a Swamp, Sauté a Nutria’

Well, here is a new one for you. The US government has developed a creative solution to curb the continuous growing population of a giant rat-like species. That's right, the government is taking on the caveman mentality and encouraging people to eat rodents. They have even come up with a clever phrase for their new proposition. 'Save a swamp, sauté a nutria.'

'Save a Swamp, Sauté a Nutria': Why The Government Wants Us To Eat Rodents

'Save a Swamp, Saute? a Nutria'- Why The Government Wants Us To Eat Rodents 

Screenshot from Facebook

There is a new creature emerging in our swamps, and its populations are rapidly growing. Meet the nutria; a large, semiaquatic rodent species. While they are native to South America, these furry little guys have been making themselves quite at home in the United States swamps. The NY Post shares that these pesky little critters have earned a spot in the top five most invasive species in the country.

Now, the government is suggesting we eat the rodents. Why? Well they are just listening to the advice of the US Department of Fish and Wildlife Services. The US Department of Fish and Wildlife Services wrote an article titled, '5 Invasive Species You Can Hunt, Catch, and Cook." Interesting right? Who knew!? The other creatures mentioned on the list were the Northern Snakehead (a fish), the Green Iguana, the invasive carp species, and feral hogs or wild boars.

Are you surprised? I know I was? I have never looked at an iguana and thought, 'I should eat that.'

However, our beaver-looking friend the nutria is top of the list. The agency even made a catchphrase to encourage their consumption: 'Save a swamp, sauté a nutria.' Additionally, they share with people that "their meat is lean, mild, and tastes like rabbit. In a Facebook post they even took a stab at the comical effect beginning their post with, "EAT ME! Please? I'm invasive and delicious."

How Did They Get Here?

Okay so the government wants us to eat rodents because they are invasive? But what makes this not-so-little guys so bad? According to the US Department of Fish and Wildlife Services, the nutria were originally brought over for their fur. However the began to escape captivity and are now wrecking havoc on the environment. They share, "nonstop munching and burrowing destroy the plants that keep marshes stable, leading to erosion, loss of habitat, and wetlands that look like something out of a disaster movie."

So there you have it. If you care about the environment and you live near a swamp or an area that is infested with these rodents you know what you need to do. 'Save a swamp, sauté a nutria.'