P'Nut The Squirrel Owner Adopts Puppy That He Believes Is Reincarnation Of Viral Icon
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P'Nut The Squirrel Owner Adopts Puppy That He Believes Is Reincarnation Of Viral Icon

The world stops for no one nor any death. The day we all die, it will be but another day for many. It has been months since P'Nut the Squirrel tragically got euthanized. Although he'll never forget his furry friend, owner Mark Longo is making steps to heal and move forward with his life.

Speaking with the New York Post, Longo revealed that he adopted a miniature dachshund named Howard. Wishfully, he believes the dog could be a "reincarnated version" of his beloved P'Nut. Who am I to say whether that is or isn't the case? Ultimately, it boils down to what makes him happy at the end of the day.

"Just to see him run around outside and be best friends with the cat reminds me of P'Nut," said Longo. They adopted the dog from a neighbor. "It's been an emotional time for me and my family ... I was on the fence about getting any new personal animals because of what happened."

"He stole my heart," he continued. "He literally brought a little bit of a spark back into my life...and put a smile on my face."

P'Nut Owner Adopts Puppy

Longo is still dealing with the death of P'Nut. New York Department of Environmental Conservation agents seized the squirrel and put it down over rabies concerns. However, the exact details over why that was a concern have been murky. 

Following the death of P'Nut, Longo was understandably angry.

He wrote at the time, "Well internet, you WON. You took one of the most amazing animals away from me because of your selfishness. To the group of people who called DEC, there's a special place in hell for you. Today at 10am Wednesday, Oct 30, 2024... The NY State DEC showed up to my house and took Peanut. He was TAKEN to the EUTHANIZED."

He continued, "Im in shock, disbelief, and disgusted to the people who did this to, PNUT. For the last 7 years, Peanut has been my best friend. He's been the center of my world and many of yours for so long, I don't know how to process this, emotionally. Last year we moved to NY in hopes of starting a NONPROFIT animal rescue in PNUT's Name."

It's good to see that the pet owner is finding happiness again.