An Arkansas duck hunter nearly died after almost getting decapitated in a bizarre boating accident. The man was nearly beheaded by a bridge.
Right now, he is still in the hospital in a serious condition. 21-year-old Ben Whorton suffered a traumatic brain injury. While on a boat, he attempted to go under a bridge. However, he misjudged his timing and raised up too soon, almost losing his head as a result. His best friend Zac Raines spoke to FOX16 and opened up about what happened.
"On our way out, we were going up underneath a bridge, and Ben raised his head a little too soon," Zac Raines said.
Following his accident, the duck hunter has been in the ICU for the past seven weeks. He transferred to Houston to the TIRR Memorial Hermann Rehab Center as part of the next steps. Whorton has healed enough to communicate to his family by turning his head to signal yes and no.
Duck Hunter Injured
'They will actually get him out of bed and put him in a wheelchair and that is part of the waking up process," his dad Greg said. "It has been amazing and certainly lifted our spirits and helped strengthen our faith."
Meanwhile, the duck hunter's girlfriend Macie Petty opened up about the accident.
"One thing that we have learned at TIRR is that Ben hasn't been in a coma in weeks," Petty wrote. "According to the neuropsychologist, Ben hadn't been given the optimal situation to show how awake he is. I'm so thankful that God stepped in and gave us the confidence to trust Him despite what we were being told."
She added, "I hope Ben's story encourages other families to do the same for the person they love because God always has the final say."
The duck hunter was injured in a boating accident under the bridge.
"When you go under a bridge, that is a no-wake zone,'"Greg told KARK. "Ben is probably where he is because they were probably going too fast when they went under it."