lynx family
Tim Newton Photography/Facebook

Alaskan Photographer Captures Heartwarming Images of Lynx Family

Bet you've never seen eight lynx together at once?!

Tim Newton has been a photographer for close to 30 years. And while living on a mountainous property near Chugach State Park, in Anchorage, Alaska, being witness to a variety of wonderful wildlife certainly comes with the territory.

Saying that, what Newton found on his deck late in September was even a surprise and shock for this veteran lens man.

lynx family

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Lynx are a secretive animal. Spotting one in the wild is akin to finding a needle in a haystack, therefore making each encounter with these precious felines even that much more special. But to find eight at once? That is truly remarkable and rare.

According to a Facebook post, Newton was awakened to sounds coming from his porch on the morning of September 19. While carefully and slowly opening a window, he was shocked to find a pair of lynx kittens playing literally two feet away. Then the entire group showed up.

lynx family

lynx family

lynx family

lynx family

It was then momma lynx decided to join in on the fun:

lynx family

lynx family

lynx family

lynx family

lynx family

The unforgettable experience lasted 40 minutes before the kittens followed behind mom and wandered back into the woods.

Canada lynx generally have a litter of one to four kittens, although that number can be higher when prey is abundant. To see seven little ones is virtually unheard of.

One thing's for certain: it's going to be hard to top this wonderful wildlife sighting. Then again, for wildlife photographer living in Alaska, anything is possible.

To purchase prints from this series, or view Newton's photography, visit his stock image site HERE.

Images via Tim Newton Photography/Facebook.