An AAA study has revealed increasing fears of riding in and sharing the road with self-driving vehicles. Is that a surprise, given all the recent incidents?
According to the report, nearly 75 percent of Americans are afraid of riding in an autonomous vehicle, which marks a 10 percent jump from 2017. Sixty-three percent polled also acknowledged being afraid to share the road with self-driving vehicles. Third, 64 percent of Millennials reported a fear of self-driving, which rose from 49 percent in late 2017, the largest discrepancy of all demographics represented in the survey.

It's Out of Our Hands
Between the genders, 83 percent of women reported being afraid versus 53 percent for men.
"While autonomous vehicles are being tested, there's always a chance that they will fail or encounter a situation that challenges even the most advanced system," said Megan Foster, director of Federal Affairs at AAA. "To ease fears, there must be safeguards in place to protect vehicle occupants and the motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians with whom they share the road."
To read more on the AAA study, click here
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