beachgoer ran over by police car
Pexels: Pixabay

Another Beach Goer Was Ran Over By Police While Sunbathing

This beach holiday was anything but relaxing for this woman at Wildwood, New Jersey. As she lay on the beach sunbathing, a police vehicle ran over this poor beachgoer. While the police are there to protect and serve, this freak accident left this woman anything but safe and sound.

A Woman Was Ran Over By Police On New Jersey Beach

beachgoer run over by police

Pexels: Belle Co

Fox News reports that this horrific incident happened on Wednesday afternoon. The Wildwood Police Chief spoke up about the incident as well. Claiming that the vehicle involved in this accident was "one of the department's Ford F-150 pickup trucks."

According to the police chief, the police officer who ran over the beachgoers was responding to an ordinance violation on the beach. As the officer was responding to the violation, he was unaware of the woman who was sunbathing, enjoying her vacation.

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A bystander named Rose Simone spoke out against the awful scene.  She shared that the police officer seemed unaware that he had run a beachgoer over with his vehicle. Then people started to panic and tried telling him what happened. She stated,

"Everybody is gathering around and screaming, yelling at the person in the truck, 'Stop! There's somebody under your truck! You hit somebody!'."

Eventually, the officer stopped, and then multiple men came to help. She recalled that the men said, "We have to lift the truck, the front of the truck, to get her out."

Serious Injuries After Incident At Wildwood Beach

Fox News shared that the victim suffered extensive injuries. She "suffered broken ribs, three fractured vertebrae, and a lung injury." Many people wonder how this beachgoer could have been run over by police. How did the driver not see her?

Rose recalls that the victim was wearing dark clothes and lying on a beach towel. Perhaps she was too low to the ground for the officer to see over their dashboard. Rose confirms that "It was an accident, clearly," but she argues that it could have been avoided.

Luckily, although her injuries are extensive, the victim is projected to survive this incident.