It's time to get creative with those old racks lying around the house.
I know I have my fair share of mounts that have aged, been eaten by mice while in storage, faded, or just plain fell apart from old age.
These are a few simple examples of antler art to get those racks back on the wall.
Take a look for yourself!
1. Nailing two old racks to an upright board gives it a custom look you don't see every day.
2. Use the sheds you've found to be the legs for a pallet table.
3. Make a custom wreath.
4. Curtain holder.
5. Wagon wheel antler chandelier.
6. Add turkey feathers to your European mount to give it some character.

Alison Ragsdale
7. Try something different with this style of European mount.
8. For the ladies of the outdoor world, this is sure to impress your husband.
9. Just paint the skull a color to your liking.
10. Put a rustic picture frame around your shoulder mount to give it a new look.
11. Another good DIY project with elk antlers and a glass table top.
12. If you happen to have a lot of antlers lying around and plenty of spare time.
13. If the antlers alone aren't doing it for you, throw in a few more items and voila!
14. Extremely simple, yet gives a great rustic feel to any room.
15. Another wreath that looks great with antlers.
16. For the hunter/wine connoisseur.
17. Easy and simple.
18. Put your old antlers to good use as a coat rack.
19. Put your mount on a gnarly piece of wood to give it a custom look.
20. Have a great set of antlers with no skull? No problem. A metal skull actually looks awesome.
So what are you waiting for? Gather up those old racks, go make some antler art and transform your house into an outdoor haven.