Artemis Sportswomen has recently launched a new website for conservation leadership.
Artemis is an initiative of the National Wildlife Foundation that represents and supports a diverse group of women from across the country in their missions to engage with conservation and emerge as leaders.
This new website includes resources and tools women can use in their work toward conservation initiatives.
"Artemis envisions a world where a growing movement of sportswomen are actively engaged in enjoying, defending, and advocating for the conservation of America's irreplaceable lands, waters, and wildlife," Artemis Program Manager Marcia Brownlee said in a statement. "This online resource will support women in their growth as effective conservation leaders."
Artemis is establishing itself as a leader in advocacy for the nation's public lands and waters, referring to them as the backbone of our sporting traditions. They are quick to point out that some do not consider public lands an American institution that must always remain under public ownership for the benefit of all Americans. Over the past several years, dozens of state legislatures and Congressional bills have sought to turn national public lands over to states or private interests. Artemis recognizes that if efforts to transfer or sell public lands were ever to succeed, they would go against long-lasting sporting traditions and deter the opportunity to hunt and fish for most Americans. Artemis is fully dedicated to fierce advocacy on behalf of public lands and waters by engaging decision makers, elected officials, and land management agencies.
Artemis Sportswomen's New Venture

Two photos from Artemis' new website
The new website has links to the Artemis Sportswomen Leadership Development series, where users can watch select videos of the day, which include two-panel conversations with leaders from across the country, The History of Women in Conservation with Sam Pedder, and Mentoring Conservation Leaders with Dr. Jennifer James.
One of the gleanings from February's first leadership development series was that women crave more opportunities to meet with peers to discuss conservation issues and how to engage with them in real life. Hence the Artemis Women in Conservation Leadership Learning Hour. This monthly meeting gives women from the Artemis community space to discuss their experiences with other women with similar mindsets and experiences. Artemis is excited to create that space for connecting, learning, and supporting. Anyone can participate in the monthly Artemis Women in Conservation Leadership Learning Hour.
Artemis produces a podcast that features leaders in conservation, like Wini Kessler, who had a ground-breaking career in wildlife biology, and Kathy Hadley, a long-standing leader and board member for the Montana Wildlife Federation and the National Wildlife Federation. Their stories and more are shared on the Artemis Podcast Leadership Series on the new website.
Founded in 2017, Artemis Sportswomen started as an all-women lobbying group supported by the NWF. It still works to encourage women to lobby for conservation and helps them acquire the skills to do so. But it is about much more than that today, and dedicated to seeing other women succeed in hunting, fishing, and other varying outdoor pursuits. Artemis supports women currently holding wildlife and conservation leadership positions, and its chief mission is to help women ascend into those local, state, regional, and national conservation leadership levels to have the biggest impact.