Drew Perez
Hailing from his beloved home state of Maine, Drew Perez has been immersed in the outdoors and firearms culture his whole life, having come from a family full of enthusiastic sportsmen. His father and the generations before him have all been ardent hunters with not only a passion for the hunt and the full freezer that is a byproduct of the hunt, but a respect and deep love for the outdoors and the creatures that inhabit it. From his late teens through his twenties, Drew was fortunate enough to work in local gun shops and firearms training facilities as an apprentice gunsmith, learning firearms maintenance, repair and restoration and becoming a factory certified armorer for several firearms platforms. An avid hunter, shooter, reloader, and outdoorsman, he has travelled all over the U.S. hunting and fishing. Drew has written for various DIY/Survivalist blogs in the recent past, and looks forward to joining his voice and good humor with the crew at Wide Open Spaces.