Eagle Turns Meal Into A Makeshift Snowboard In Surreal Video
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Bald Eagle Turns Meal Into A Makeshift Snowboard In Surreal Video

This is radical, dude! A bald eagle turned its meal into a makeshift snowboard in a very surreal video. If you ever wanted to see a bald eagle shred, then we have the video for you.

Check it out below, courtesy of Cowboy State Daily. Speaking with that outlet, Alison McKellar explained that she was driving home in Maine when she saw the bald eagle standing on the side of the road. It was digging into the remains of a skunk. Pulling over, she captures the bird on camera.

While clinging to the dead animal, the eagle ended up going for a ride. Gravity took hold, and the bird slid down the slopes while still holding onto its meal.

"I see there's an eagle flopping around on the road," she told Cowboy State Daily. "At first, I thought it was injured. Then I realized it had a skunk — that was probably roadkill — that it was trying to drag off the road."

Bald Eagle Shreds

McKellar said the bird didn't seem to mind going for a ride.

"It just started sliding down the slope there," she said.  "It seemed heathy and happy, and was just there taking care of a skunk that had probably been hit on the road."

According to Bryan Bedrosian, conservation director at the Teton Raptor Center, bald eagles are wired to dig in and hold on. You probably wouldn't want to get grabbed by one.

"It's somewhat related to how bird feet and tendons are wired. When 'relaxed,' the feet are clinched," he said. "It's why birds don't fall off perches when they are asleep."

The bird expert explained that it can sometimes cause birds to drown.

"Osprey can sometimes drown as a result. They grab a fish that's too big and can't let go easily," he said.

Basically, raptors don't want to lose their meals. So they hold onto whatever they got. In this case, it led to a bald eagle shredding a slope. So in honor of this achievement, I'm going to dub him Tony Hawk. Rock on, dude. Rock on!