Some have meaning in ancient languages, some are just strange, but all 10 of these lakes have names you won't forget.
Every once now and then, you come across a town or body of water with a strange name that makes you double take. Without further adieu, here's our list of the 10 best lake names out there.
10. Nimrod Lake, Arkansas

By U.S. Army Corps of Engineers from USA/AlbertHerring [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
No, nimrod is not some dimwit. The name actually comes from the Bible. Actually, Nimrod was the great-grandson of Noah. The oldest Army Corps constructed lake in Arkansas, Nimrod boasts a spectacular crappie fishery.
9. Leech Lake, Minnesota

By U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, via Wikimedia Commons
Leech Lake claims a world-class muskie fishery. However, with a name like that, I'm not sure I'd want to take a swim.
8. Lake Winnebago, Wisconsin

Photo via Good Free Photos
Most noteworthy as the largest inland lake in Wisconsin, Lake Winnebago is home to the largest population of lake sturgeon in the world. Consequently, winter draws anglers to the lake to take part in the tradition of sturgeon spearing. Anglers wait in dark shanties hoping for their opportunity to spear a sturgeon.
7. Hungry Horse Reservoir, Montana

By United States Bureau of Reclamation, via Wikimedia Commons
Fishing at Hungry Horse, you will probably end up hungry yourself. Managed for power production, angling opportunities are less than spectacular. The lake is popular for other water sports, though, including boating and skiing.
6. Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire

By Ken Gallager at English Wikipedia, via Wikimedia Commons
Who could forget Lake Winnipesaukee, where Bob Wiley tortured Dr. Leo Marvin in "What About Bob?" Don't worry, the movie was filmed in Virginia, so you shouldn't be harassed by mental patients when you visit. The real lake has a variety of cold-water fish to tempt anglers.
5. Elephant Butte Reservoir, New Mexico

By Birdie Jaworski, Elephant Butte Lake, New Mexico Elephant Butte Lake State Park, New Mexico
As the largest reservoir in New Mexico, Elephant Butte was constructed to provide irrigation water to the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Popular game fish include black bass, white bass and striped bass. The lake gets its name from the island butte that is said to look like an elephant.
4. Lake Winnibigoshish, Minnesota

[Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
3. Mooselookmeguntic Lake, Maine

Public Domain,
Located near the border of New Hampshire and Maine, Mooselookmeguntic is a popular fishery for inland salmon and brook trout. The name comes from a native language meaning moose-feeding place.
2. Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana

By Messina, John, 1940-, Photographer (NARA record: 8464458) (U.S. National Archives and Records Administration) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
1. Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg, Massachusetts

By Bree from Worcester, MA, USA (Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons