Whether you're a new shooter looking for an everyday carry pistol or a seasoned pro ready to add to your home defense arsenal, these are some of the best options at an affordable price point.
A full-size semi-automatic might be great for the range or your bedside table, but more compact options typically make better carry handguns for EDC.
Both ammo and handguns are seeing a spike in price and scarce availability, so check out these top CCW picks for self defense while you can.
Ruger Security 9 Compact

Easily concealable at just an inch wide and 21.9 ounces, the Ruger Security 9 Compact outperforms other single stack pistols in its class. Barrel length measures just under 3.5 inches for a total length of 6.5 inches. Featuring both a manual safety and trigger safety, this 9mm pistol makes a great carry gun at an MSRP of just $379.
Springfield XD Defend Your Legacy

Springfield Armory
This 3-inch subcompact 9mm from Springfield Armory is another affordable concealed carry option at the low price of $399. Its black polymer frame and rugged SA grip texturing boast longterm durability, and an accessory rail allows for customization. The XD sports 3-inch barrel for an overall length of 6.25 inches at 26 ounces.
Smith & Wesson M&P Shield EZ
Available in micro-compact 380 auto or 9mm Luger, the Smith & Wesson M&P Shield EZ is an excellent choice for concealed carry and has a reputation for being incredibly reliable. The 380 model tips scales at a mere 18.5 ounces, and these handguns start around $400 depending on caliber, sights and safety configurations.
If none of these options tickle your fancy, Sig Sauer, Glock, Taurus and Mossberg also offer some quality carry pistols - including some ambidextrous models - with reasonable price tags.