What's our favorite bird in Missouri? The Northern Cardinal is a bird seen throughout the year there, and it's one heck of a bird.
According to What Birds Are In My BackYard, the state's most common backyard birds are determined by actual bird sightings reported to the citizen science birding program, eBird. These birds are ranked according to frequency, or the percentage of all bird checklists on which a species occurs.
Most common birds seen throughout the year
- Northern Cardinal (62% frequency)
- Blue Jay (46%)
- American Robin (44%)
- Mourning Dove (43%)
- Red-bellied Woodpecker (41%)
- Tufted Titmouse (40%)
- American Goldfinch (38%)
- Downy Woodpecker (37%)
- American Crow (35%)
- European Starling (32%)
- Carolina Wren (32%)
- White-breasted Nuthatch (27%)
- Eastern Bluebird (25%)
- Dark-eyed Junco (25%)
- House Sparrow (23%)
- White-throated Sparrow (22%)
- Black-capped Chickadee (22%)
- Northern Flicker (20%)
- House Finch (20%)
- Common Grackle (20%)
Most common birds seen in winter
- Northern Cardinal (60% frequency)
- Dark-eyed Junco (53%)
- Blue Jay (44%)
- Downy Woodpecker (43%)
- Red-bellied Woodpecker (41%)
- Tufted Titmouse (40%)
- American Goldfinch (36%)
- European Starling (34%)
- American Crow (34%)
- Mourning Dove (33%)
- White-throated Sparrow (33%)
- American Robin (30%)
- White-breasted Nuthatch (30%)
- Carolina Wren (27%)
- House Sparrow (25%)
- House Finch (24%)
- Black-capped Chickadee (24%)
- Northern Flicker (24%)
- Eastern Bluebird (20%)
Most common birds seen in summer
- Northern Cardinal (67% frequency)
- Mourning Dove (56%)
- American Robin (52%)
- Indigo Bunting (48%)
- Blue Jay (41%)
- American Goldfinch (39%)
- Tufted Titmouse (36%)
- Carolina Wren (35%)
- Red-bellied Woodpecker (35%)
- Barns Swallow (35%)
- Common Grackle (32%)
- Brown-headed Cowbird (32%)
- American Crow (31%)
- Eastern Wood-Pewee (31%)
- European Starling (30%)
- Downy Woodpecker (29%)
- Eastern Bluebird (28%)
- House Sparrow (27%)
- Ruby-throated Hummingbird (27%)
- Eastern Kingbird (26%)
- Eastern Phoebe (24%)
- White-breasted Nuthatch (23%)
- Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (22%)
- House Finch (21%)
- Chipping Sparrow (20%)
- Northern Mockingbird (20%)
Other birds of Missouri you should check out?
Check out all the Warblers, Blackbirds, Roadrunners, Flycatchers, Sandpipers, Grosbeaks, Snow goose, Bald Eagles, Wood Thrush, Waxwing, Shorebirds, Waterfowl, Egrets, and Turkey Vultures.
Have you ever seen any of these birds? Please leave us a comment below!