watch as bison makes a snow angel at Yellowstone
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Bison Makes Snow Angel At Yellowstone In Adorable Video

Finally! A happy article about bison at Yellowstone National Park. I swear every other day there is news about a bison attacking a tourist. Or a tourist antagonizing a bison. However this time it is just a tourist capturing some insanely adorable footage of a bison playing in the snow. Watch as this bison makes a snow angel, causing a cuteness overload.

Cuteness Overload: Watch As Bison Makes A Snow Angel


Everyone loves making snow angels. Apparently that love extends even to other species. These drivers had to pause to enjoy the show as a young bison decided to share its love of the snow right in front of their vehicle. First, the bison began jumping around excitedly. Swinging its body in little circles.  Then it began digging in the snow, seemingly looking for the perfect spot.

You know how your dog does when it is trying to get comfortable. Then, it did what no one expected. This bison plopped right down on the ground and began to make a snow angel. It continuously rolled on its back, back and forth making a nice indentation in the snow. The performance was honestly one of the cutest things I have ever seen.

Eventually the bison stands and shakes itself off. You may think that the fun is over, but it was just revving up for round two. Next, the antics started all over again. Complete with the jumping in circles, and digging to find the perfect snowy spot. However this time, the bison decided to lay in the snow on its stomach before eventually rolling back over onto its back.

Seeing its little legs straight up in the air as it rolled around in the snow had the entire vehicle erupting with laughter. Honestly, some of the best 32 seconds of my life. That just goes to show you, no matter what season you visit Yellowstone National Park in, there is always something to see. Now, visiting in winter is on my list. Just so I can watch as a bison makes a snow angel.