British Man Develops Nasty Case Of Flesh Eating Bacteria After A Spider Bit Him In Bed
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British Man Develops Nasty Case Of Flesh Eating Bacteria After A Spider Bit Him In Bed

A British man is definitely not having a good time after contracting flesh-eating bacteria from a spider bite. He said the bug bit him in bed before vacation.

59-year-old Nigel Hunt was about to go to Egypt for a vacation. That's when a spider bit him on the stomach. Although he felt fine at first, he became deathly ill a few days later. Hunt had to deal with the effects of the bite in another country.

Hunt said: "On arriving at the airport and travelling through check-in we made our way to departures. At this point, everything seemed to deteriorate quite quickly from being sick in the departure lounge to having my head in a sick bag for most of the journey. On arrival at Sharm El Sheikh, we collected our belongings and made our way to the pharmacy for some antibiotics or something to help with the sickness."

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Hunt got some medication for his bite. But he later went to the hospital when it didn't improve. He said, "They prescribed a couple of things and the following day we went to the hospital to be prescribed the same medication."

Spider Bite Nearly Kills Man

The British man ended back up in the hospital again. Doctors ran further tests to try to figure out what was wrong.

"The next two days started to get worse so we went to a different hospital in Hadaba where straight away I had blood tests and ultrasound scans," he said."Then we waited a couple of hours for the doctor to check the results. He called us in saying it was a good job we had come in because the bite was from either a false widow or a brown recluse spider."

Flash forward, and Hunt had to have surgery. It turned out that he had necrotizing fasciitis in the wound. He's still in the hospital hoping that he can finally go home soon.

"If I hadn't been to the hospital for a second examination within six to 10 days, I would be dead," he said. "They haven't given me an all-clear date yet as the wound is still open and I have to have it packed every couple of days. I just have to make sure it hasn't started spreading again. It could be a couple of weeks before I could fly back home."