Facebook/Adventures with Bandit

British Man Sells Everything and Travels Around with Pet Ferret

After a series of heartbreaking losses, 23-year-old Charlie Hammerton had a decision to make.

When his mother passed away from a motor neuron disease in March 2017, Charlie's world changed forever. A few months later, his childhood friend died, and most recently, his adopted mom died of a heart attack.

With each new tragedy, Charlie got closer to making an important realization. He had to decide if he was capable of moving on, and living with grief was proving to be almost more than he could bear. Life was hard, but he decided it was also worth living.

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Charlie told Nottingham Post:

"It just made me realize that all these people had dreams and desires, some of which they will never do, so I don't want to waste any more time. I want to go and live and see things and meet people."

Determined to make the most out of his life, Charlie sold everything he owned. He moved out of his apartment, got rid of his car, sold his possessions, and invested in a motorhome. The only part of his old life he refused to leave behind was his pet ferret named Bandit.

Bandit and Charlie have been together for the past three years. There was never a chance of Charlie leaving Bandit behind as he planned to travel the continent in his new motorhome.

Bandit is already used to accompanying his owner on adventures, and the ferret even has his very own passport. He rides skateboards, wears sweaters, and has attracted a fan base of over 1,000 social media followers.

Charlie and Bandit are choosing not to waste any more time. They'll travel through the UK starting in western Scotland before taking a ferry to the rest of Europe. From there, they'll go wherever the road takes them.


Charlie wants to meet new people and see new places, and he also wants to help society as much as possible. He's a firm believer in fundraising for worthy causes, and he plans on raising money for various organizations as he travels.


Charlie is an ambassador for a charity called Save Our Soldiers and is looking forward to making a difference in other people's lives. He plans on experiencing everything life has to offer with his traveling pet ferret always on his shoulder.

Follow their adventures on Facebook.

Do you wish you could travel the world with your ferret? Let us know in the comments. 

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