If you are new to survival and you want to know how to create a basic survival kit, this post is for you. While experts may argue over the best things to have in your survival kit, there are some essentials that should go in no matter what. This list is just to get you started and to ensure that you have the bare necessities in a life-threatening situation. Without further ado, here are the 10 things you need in your survival kit for beginners.
1. Water

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You can only survive three days without water, so you want to make sure you have some of it packed. This is an essential item in every basic survival kit. Ready.gov suggests that you pack one gallon per person per day.
2. Food
This is another item you want to always have handy. When thinking of food, pack non-perishable items. Similar to the water, you want to have a several day supply of food as well.
3. First Aid Kit

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Another thing you need in your survival kit for beginners is a first-aid kit. Whether it is a small scrape, a twisted ankle, or something more serious, a first aid kit can make a world of difference. With just these three items you are preventing hunger, dehydration, and infection.
4. Flashlight And Extra Batteries
Having a flashlight can make a world of difference during the night. Not only can it help you navigate but it can also be used as a beacon to signal for help.
5. Water Purification Method

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While this may seem like a luxury item and not something you would have in a basic survival kit, trust me. This is something you will want to have in your survival kit for beginners. That water you packed will run out faster than you think, and if you cannot purify your water you will most-likely get sick. Frequent urination, diarrhea, or vomiting all lead to dehydration which is not good in a survival situation.
6. Fire Starter
Fire can mean the difference between life and death. It can cook your food, keep you warm, and ward off predators. Chicksontherocks recommends bringing two different ways to start a fire, because different environments may require different tools.
7. Rescue Blanket Or Tarp

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These will come in handy against harsh weather and can be used for shelter. Shelter is one of the first things you need in a survival situation. Save yourself the hassle of starting from zero by packing one or both of these items in your basic survival kit.
8. Blanket And Extra Clothes
In a survival situation, it is inevitable you will get wet and dirty. Having a blanket to keep you warm and spare clothes to change into can help prevent deadly situations like hypothermia.
9. Compass

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Granted, this only works in your survival kit for beginners if you know how to use one. I recommend not only bringing a compass but learning how to use one. It can help you navigate your surroundings.
10. Prescription Medication
Lastly, if you are someone who takes prescription medication, have some of it packed in your survival kit. If you rely on that medication to survive, it needs to be in your survival kit because you don't want to be stuck for days without it.
While there are plenty of other things that could and should go into a survival kit, this is a great list to get you started.