Montana Parks, Wildlife and Parks

Bull Elk Poacher Gets 3-Year Jail Sentence and His Hunting Rights Revoked for 25 Years

The law came down hard on an elk poacher in Montana, who will serve six months of a three-year sentence in jail and pay hefty restitution.

Any time a jail sentence is handed out, you know it's a serious crime. Poaching punishments have been given to one Cameron Dow Overcast of Chinook, Montana for shooting two bull elk from a pickup and leaving them in the field, according to an update to the story from

The list of seven charges included waste of a game animal (two counts), hunting during closed season (two counts), failure to obtain landowner permission for hunting, unlawful hunting from public highway, and hunting from a motor vehicle. The two bull elk were reported to be a seven-by-seven and six-by-six, found just a short distance apart.

Overcast received a sentence of about three years in Blaine County Justice Court, but all but six months will be suspended. His hunting, fishing, and trapping license rights are revoked for 25 years.

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The poaching act was discovered after tip of two dead elk seen two miles north of Cow Creek Reservoir was reported to wildlife officials via the TIP-MONT system.

The ruling came after Overcast pled guilty in March and waived his right to counsel. He will pay $9,000 to Montana Parks, Wildlife and Parks in restitution.

That's a lot of money, a large sentence, and a serious signal that Montana is not going to mess around with those found guilty of taking advantage of their precious natural resources.