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Cairn Helps You Find the Best Outdoor Gear Without the Headache

Tired of researching the best gear? Cairn was designed with you in mind.

If you have a healthy love of the outdoors, sometimes you probably wish your wallet had an even healthier cash flow. It's not easy to stay up-to-date on the latest and greatest in the outdoor world, either. Often, picking out the items yourself is a huge time commitment, requiring detailed online research and forum browsing, especially if you're a hunter or angler. New brands hit the scene every day, and the brands you trust introduce new products every day, too.

That's where Cairn comes in. If you have trouble staying in the game when it comes to new outdoor gear, Cairn completely erases the vetting process for you. Their curated subscription boxes of outdoor gear were designed with the busy outdoorsman or outdoorswoman in mind.

So how do the boxes work? Well, when you sign up, you fill out a profile that helps Cairn understand your favorite types of outdoor activities, your apparel sizes, your preferred food and drink types, and if you have a four-legged friend that adventures with you.

If you're a climber, your curated box will reflect that, with climbing hooks and the like. If you're an angler or a backcountry hunter, your box will reflect that, too, and you could see a folding hunting knife in one box or something similar. If you have a pup, you'll see something for Fido in your boxes, as well.

There will be three to five items in each monthly box, and they will fall into one of five categories: Gear, Apparel, Food/Energy, Skincare, and Emergency/Medical to ensure you're getting a well-rounded box.

Here are a few example views of a Cairn monthly subscription box.

Cairn also offers the Cairn Obsidian box, which is separate from the monthly options as it ships quarterly with higher-priced items.

In a Cairn Obsidian box, you could find anything from a lightweight active jacket to a thermal sleeping bag. Here are a few examples of the Cairn Obsidian boxes.

See that Scrubba portable laundry machine? We love it so much, we wrote a review on it. It's always a good sign when you spot trusted products. Obsidian boxes will arrive with five to 10 premium products inside.

The boxes then arrive with trusted products that fit your outdoor needs and lifestyle. You can choose to sign up for a box monthly, one box every six months, or choose the annual sign-up for a solid year. Additionally, if you go for the full year, you'll receive your 12th box completely free!

Every box comes with free shipping, saving you money where it counts. You earn reward points when you review products and you can redeem those points for apparel or free boxes with your account!

Cairn works with brands from Backpacker to Black Diamond to Clif Bar to Hydro Flask to LifeStraw to Power Practical to Stanley to ThermaRest, and that's only a select few. Those names sound familiar? That's because Cairn is pulling from the best of the best.

This is one subscription box that goes way beyond the basics and makes gear hunting enjoyable. Whether it's for Mother's Day, Father's Day, a birthday, or a just-because, consider Cairn the next time you're looking for the most useful gift that keeps on giving. If you're feeling like treating yourself, you should probably sign up, too. Trust me.