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California Hit With Summer Snowstorm — See Magical Video

A weather system that blew over the West Coast from the Gulf of Alaska covered parts of California with snow on Saturday.

According to the NY Post, parts of Highway 89, through Lassen Volcanic National Park in California were shut down due to the out-of-season snowfall. The National Weather Service reported that an estimated 3 inches of snow fell overnight.

In pictures shared on Sunday, a blanket of snow sat at high elevations on Washington's Mount Rainier. Likewise, at Minaret Vista, in California's Sierra Nevada, photos showed off a dusting.

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Madera County Deputy Sheriff Larry Rich called the snow at Minaret Vista "definitely unexpected" in a statement. Minaret Vista is a lookout point just southeast of Yosemite National Park, and summer snows are certainly an uncommon occurrence there.

Rich continued on to say that the summer snow reminded him why he "loves serving the area." Moreover, Rich ended with by calling the phenomenon one of "those moments that makes working up here so special."

Cold Weather System Covers Snow in California

Aside from the snow in the PNW and California, the system also hit northern Nevada with strong rains. Notably, the well-known Burning Man festival received rain on Saturday. As a result, festival organizers hurried to shut down the entrance gate, before reopening later.

The weather was a reminder of the disaster that struck last year's Burning Man when torrential rains plagued the festival. The festival quickly diluted itself into a muddy quagmire, leaving visitors with few options.

Aside from only Minaret Vista, the weather system also made for some unique sites across many regions in Northern California. Mammoth Mountain, which is a popular ski destination in the state, also received snowfall overnight Saturday. The National Weather Service warned campers and hikers of slick roads, which are certainly a unique hazard for late August in California.

The cold front from Alaska made many headlines to start the week. With fall on the horizon, cooler temperatures have many ready to welcome football seasons and kids heading back to school.

Regardless, it is almost a certainty summer will hit back a few more hot days before it is all said and done for the year.