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California Woman Mauled To Death By Dog

Last week, a northern California mother was mauled to death by dogs while taking a stroll on a familiar trail.

According to the NY Post, Davina Corbin, who was 56 years old, was discovered by a neighbor on Blackhawk Trail in Feather Falls. In a statement released by the Butte County Sheriff's Office, Corbin's deceased body was said to have "numerous bite marks and injuries" and her clothing was covered in DNA matching domestic dogs. Moreover, Corbin's body was found in front of a home where 25 Great Danes are known to roam free.

Investigators on the scene obtained a search warrant and spent the entirety of last Thursday capturing the "loose dogs," which were then placed in the custody of Butte County Animal Control. The DNA of those captured dogs will be collected and compared to that which was on Corbin's clothing. The comparison will eventually lead to identifying which of the dogs attacked Corbin.

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Dogs Tragically Kill Woman on California Trail

Corbin's death was called "100% preventable" by neighbors. Moreover, Max Heckler, who lives near the trail, said he and other neighbors had reported the free-roaming dogs to Butte County Animal Control multiple times.

Heckler said that he was furious about the lack of attention that was given to his previous complaints. Heckler even shared a story of his own run-in with the pack of dogs. Reportedly, Heckler was forced into his car, after the dogs crossed the road and approached him aggressively. Heckler was sure to place equal blame on animal control as he did on the dogs. "That lady never should have died," concluded the frustrated Heckler. In their defense, the Butte County Animal Control said they had never received reports of aggression regarding the dogs. The organization did admit to receiving two separate calls reporting loose dogs.

Corbin was known to often walk the Blackhawk Trail. It is believed she was taking her usual stroll when she was attacked. Her family, while struggling to come to terms with the tragedy, has set up a GoFundMe page.

Corbin's death was certainly a tragedy, and apparently, it was perhaps a preventable one.