Here's a quiz to find out how really good you are at identifying animals. Have a look at these teeth and see if you can guess what they belong to.
Not every animal on earth has teeth, but most have some kind of specialized way of chewing their food or capturing prey with them. While mammals have fewer teeth than fish, and have two sets of teeth, some fish have teeth just like them.
Beavers wear down their incisors by their constant gnawing, but these 'teeth' continue to grow throughout their life; the same for elephant tusks. Predatory dragonflies have sharp teeth for capturing and eating their prey.
Some teeth look alike and some look alien, but they all have one job. Here's a small taste at what's out there, and just to make it fun we'll assign some points and see how high you can score!
Get ready to see how well you know the animal kingdom by its chompers.
Okay let's start off with some easy stuff and go from there. I'll try to throw in a couple of curves for fun, and maybe a groan or two. Alright, you're on the honor system!
Answers at the bottom; final photographs and links provided there.
Here come the teeth:
1. Easiest of the easy.
One of the Micropterus cousins, but which one?
5 points

Mike Long Outdoors
2. Too(th) simple.
You get two guesses and the first one doesn't count.
5 points

3. Will this ever get hard?
"You're gonna need a bigger boat"
5 points
4. I swear, this one will attack more things than the last one.
Count the times you've seen or heard of these sinking their teeth into something crazy.
5 points

Living on a Narrow Boat
5. Okay let's push it just a little.
Likes to gather together to chase forage. Did you know that their eggs are poisonous?
5 points

6. You've got a fifty-fifty shot.
Where UF got its nickname or the one Mick Dundee made famous?
5 points. Bonus 10 points for the specific species.

Fact Zoo
7. Tony's cousin.
Might seem easy, but bonus points for being specific.
5 points, 10 if you know its first name.
8. Looks like that critter from 'Alien'
Made famous by a 70's rock song.
5 points

Pretty Wallpaper
9. Big brother of number 5.
Yeah, they come big in Texas.
5 points

Carnivora Forum
10. When you think of these, you definitely think teeth.
Horror movie fodder and comes in bunches.
5 points

11. Will eat your lure and maybe your face.
Anglers everywhere would love to tangle with one of these, right?
5 points

Creepy Animals
Alright, time to get tougher.
12. Shouldn't be that hard, but then again.
This top level predator enjoys a fresh penguin now and then.
10 points

You Tube
13. Solitary and mean.
Might not be able to rip the head off of a grizzly, but sure would try.
10 points

Trapper Man
14. Old hypodermic teeth himself.
Once this bad boy impales its prey on those things, how does it get it off?
10 points

Big Fishes of the World
15. Vampire of the Afghani Mountains.
The last time it was seen in the wild here was in 1948.
15 points

IB Times
16. Can be found in large groups known as 'hordes'.
The biggest and most colorful of all the monkeys.
15 points

Fact Zoo
17. Made number 3 look like, well, number 4.
Were about as long as the average 18-wheeler or the entire back wall of my house.
15 points

18. Dubbed the "Nut Cracker" and the "Ball Cutter"
The fish that ate your grandma's false teeth.
15 points

19. Related to number 6.
This native of southern Asia has approximately 25-30 interlocking, razor sharp teeth. Get this one and you are at Pro level.
20 points

The Jungle Store
20. Appropriately named and just as nasty.
What good can be said about something that feeds off of the flesh of another animal, sometimes while it's still alive?
20 points

The Jungle Store
21. Heaviest in their class and the longest fangs.
These bad boys are really well camouflaged and will go after prey all the way up to monkeys and small antelope. Yeah, small antelope.
25 points

Snakes Are Long
22. The largest of its species living on earth.
This is the only one of its kind still living from the genus Dermochelys.
25 points

Daily News Dig
Okay, let's see how you did! Out of a total of 250 possible points, and feel free to check my math on that, here are the answers in the same order:
1. Largemouth Bass
2. Whitetailed Deer
3. Great White Shark
4. Northern Pike
5. Longnose Gar
6. Nile Crocodile
7. Bengal Tiger
8. Barracuda
9. Alligator Gar
10. Piranha
11. Goliath Tigerfish
12. Leopard Seal
13. Wolverine
14. Payara
15. Kashmir Musk Deer
16. Mandrill
17. Megalodon
18. Pacu
19. Gharial
20. Hagfish
21. Gaboon Viper
22. Leatherback Sea Turtle
Additional Credit: First Goliath Tigerfish photo via Creepy Animals, first Leopard Seal photo via YouTube, first Pike photo via Living On A Narrow Boat, Megalodon Tooth via Oddee, and first Whitetail photo via Flickr.
Score Tally
0-50: You need false teeth
50-100: Still need more bite
100-150: Those Invisalign are really working for you
150-200: What are you, a dentist?
200-250: Excellent! You really sunk your teeth into this one!
Perfect 250: Genius level, congratulations! Are you an alien?