YouTube: Zach

Can This Toddler Call Turkeys Better Than You?

This toddler has a turkey call that trumps most adults! 

Typically, if you want a child to learn a trade or a hobby, you start them out young. It's no different than a hunter trains his hunting dog to point or to flush birds just weeks after they are born. These parents are training their toddler whose name is Grayson to call turkeys by placing him right in front of a gobbler.

There is no better way to measure success than to see this tom shock gobble to the yelping noise this young boy is making.

One thing is certain: these parents now know their son speaks turkey.

Watch the video below:

Needless to say this young man will be a professional turkey caller by the time he is two. Turkeys are a fun, yet hard bird to hunt especially if a mature gobbler is hung up on some hens.

Next time you head out to the woods you might take this little guy with you in order to be successful.

One thing that is for sure is this boy's parents need to enter him into a national turkey calling competition, and he might just be the next Michael Waddell!