hammerhead shark

Check Out How Close This Hammerhead Shark Gets to Beach Swimmers!

Just imagine how many sharks have gotten this close to you without you knowing!

Well if you have a fear of sharks, this is not the video for you. This clip is shocking enough as it is, but it's scary to think about how easily this could happen without you knowing.

Filmed from an upper balcony at Splash Resort in Panama City Beach, Florida, a hammerhead shark gets curious and checks out what all the commotion is about by the beach.

Based on the swimmers' reactions, it looks as if they're clueless of what's lurking close by.

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The good news is hammerheads aren't usually aggressive. It just makes you wonder what all swims by while you're splashing in that beautiful water. The Facebook comment below might be enough to keep you out of the water on your next trip.

"We took a helicopter ride in August. UNBELIEVABLE the sharks so close to swimmers. I asked the pilot why he doesn't yell down and warn them? He said he wouldn't have a voice after a couple runs. Remember, we are in their home!"


